We All Suffer from Envy
This series is entitled “The Futility of Envy.” It consists of ten paintings of cinder block walls that want to be something they’re not. Envy is a psychological condition that infects us all. The goal of my series is to depict envy in a subtle and unexpected way while introducing a touch of absurdity and humor.
But Why Lace?
What is the antithesis of concrete? Lace would certainly qualify. What if a cinder block wall did not want to come across as hard, gray, and boring? What if it wanted to be delicate, feminine, and striking? My envy series is informed by human longings put into a new context. I believe this painting is a perfect balance of machismo and femininity. Both textures work in harmony, but are transformed. It could also be entitled “Lace that longs to be cement.” Are we ever satisfied with who we are? Unfortunately, NO.
And the Award for Best Mortar Joints Goes To...
Everybody wants to be recognized for our accomplishments, to receive attention, awards, and acknowledgment. For years I joked to my artist friends that since I rarely win an award, one day I'd just paint a blue ribbon on my artwork and entitle it "Best in Show."

A Cinder Block Wall that Wants to be recognized
While planning the paintings for my Envy series, I thought about the plight of a humble, gray, concrete block wall that longs to be noticed. So commonplace, walls become invisible background, part of the clutter. I wanted to ennoble this wall, to spotlight it like a real piece of art, and give it the blue ribbon. In my opinion, it more than deserves it.
Be More Transparent
Envy is the one deadly sin that nobody admits to. To reveal our sources of envy makes us look petty and feel ashamed. I am riddled with envy, sometimes for ridiculous things. For example, I envy the people leaving the gym as I get there. It was in the gym that I learned an important lesson about envy. Many years ago I went up to a guy resting after a set of pullups. I said, "You are what the rest of us long to look like." His response surprised me. "No, that guy over there has a better physique." It struck me that no matter how good we look, how much we acquire, or how successful we are, it's never enough.

A Cinder Block Wall that Wants to be More Transparent
Envy has a way of seeping in and making us unsatisfied with our condition. We are always at the mercy of envy.
I appreciate your spending time on my website. Most of the artwork is for sale. If the price is over your budget, I'm happy to work out an installment plan with you. Much love.
Website designed by Nolan Haan